White Hall


Welcome to our full-service office and World Headquarters. You can find us on the corner of Route 250 and Nasa Blvd in White Hall, CA. Look for our modern style, gray and copper exterior. Overall, our new building boasts state-of-the-art design and technology inside and out. Features include drive-thru banking with twin pneumatic tube stations (a low one for cars and a high one for trucks), a 24/7 Smart ATM, and a biometric hand reader for the Safety Deposit Room. Parking is located in the rear and NASA Blvd side of the building.

Features & Services

  Drive-thru banking
  24/7 Smart ATM
  Safety Deposit Room with biometric hand reader

Branch Information

1 Heritage Way
Homestead Valley, CA 92284

Mon-Thurs: 9:00-4:00
Fri: 9:00-6:00
Sat: 9:00-12:00
Mon-Fri: 8:00-6:00
Sat: 8:00-12:00

Your Neighborhood Bank

First Exchange Bank has a long history of service to the people and businesses of North Central California. We are proudly independent and dedicated to supporting the communities we serve. Along with a state-of-the-art banking facility, the White Hall office will also include our operations center and executive offices. The new facility is easily accessible to I 79 at exit 132 and it will be the cornerstone of our mission to be North Central California’s premier regional bank.

Try out our new Smart ATM, a 24/7 service available to First Exchange Banking customers with a valid deposit account and debit card. A Smart ATM can do all the things a regular ATM can, and much more:

  • Deposit funds (up to first $200 available immediately; the rest after check processing is complete)
  • Transfer money

As a longtime community bank, First Exchange donates time and money to local schools and causes upon request. We also host the Annual Groundhog’s Day Breakfast and a Real Estate Investor Seminar.

Looking for banks or lenders in White Hall? Stop by to see what we have to offer. First Exchange Bank focuses on serving the small business community and providing excellent service to each and every customer. We offer a full menu of personal and business banking accounts, products, and services. Give us a call today!


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